
Showing posts from January, 2022
After the American Civil War ended the argument began between historians, Noth and South, over what was the initial cause of the great conflagration. In the South many southerners to the the "lost cause" belief that it was a war of states rights and that the South was fighting an unwinnable battle against northern tyrrany. Many in the North said that the one and only cause was the issue of slavery, and that the war was fought over the issue that a few wealthy plantation owners in the South wanted the right o own human beings as property. In none of these arguments though is religion as a cause ever mentioned. In the South the Baptists, Methodists, and Episcopalians were strong supporters of slavery, using the idea that the slaves could be led to Christ while being brought out of barbarity and made into normal humans. There were other Southern religous leaders that took the idea the Civil War much more personal, as in the first issue of the Confederate by a South Carolinian th